Post has been fashionably late the last few days and I have been patiently waiting for the arrival of many prospective parcels with presents inside for family and friends, some are still missing in action but today there was one less to worry about. The arrival of my new book, I know it's hot on the heels of the last one but I felt the need and it was one that had been brewing in my head for some time.
Open Wide Plastic Panoramas is a collection of Holagaramas and Dianaramas made over a number of years and in various countries. The book contains loads of images which are double page spreads, 108 pages broken down into the loose themes of Land, Water, and Gatherings.
There is something fantastic about opening a package that you sort of have an idea of what is inside but then you really don't know quite what to expect. Nothing like the smell of new book!
Whatever you do this Christmas and whatever way you spend the season enjoy the time and if there is one thing I know I love it's seeing the look on other peoples faces when they open something they weren't expecting but really love.