This is the first roll that I have taken with the new
lomography 360 Spinner, the film is Expired Fuji Superia 400ASA and I shall tell you the settings as I go. I like the camera, the idea and the potential I think it could go far, in fact I know it will travel with me as soon as it's tested properly.
I used the 400 asa as this is the optimum film suggested. The weather conditions weren't brilliant, it was five in the afternoon and a dull even light was over our back garden. It still looked bright enough for a 400ASA !and would be in any other camera but the majority of my shots are seriously underexposed except for the ones were I hand turned slowly... obviously letting in much more light. So onwards and upwards as they say and let's see if the next roll improves somewhat!

Ok in reverse order! image 6 Sunny Setting Hand turned the cam whilst it rested on the table, much better exposure!

Image 5 Sunny Setting hand turned the camwhile standing not a full 360, the white band is where I paused.

Image 4 Sunny Setting full pull and spin shot of peonies, in there somewhere! this was adjusted in PS as it was way too dark see below

Image 4 Sunny Setting full pull and spin shot of peonies, in there somewhere! this was far too dark and adjusted as above.

Image 3 Cloudy setting full pull and spin of Peonies and rest of garden, don't know where the cast came from but hey these are test shots!

Image 3 Cloudy setting full pull and spin of Peonies and rest of garden, the cast is not funny or the lack of image!

Image 2 Cloudy setting hand held full pull and spin, oh dear look at me agh! this has again been adjusted

Image 2 Cloudy setting hand held full pull and spin, too dark yuck!

Image 1 Sunny Setting full pull and hand held, the first shot what a disappointment, this has been pulled form the gloom in PS.

Image 1 Sunny Setting full pull and hand held, the first shot... what a disappointment. I'm hoping it was just that I underestimated the overcast qualities of our English Summer! Maybe that's why it was tested here!