Sunday, 13 June 2010

Impressions on the Spinner!

This is the first roll that I have taken with the new lomography 360 Spinner, the film is Expired Fuji Superia 400ASA and I shall tell you the settings as I go. I like the camera, the idea and the potential I think it could go far, in fact I know it will travel with me as soon as it's tested properly.

I used the 400 asa as this is the optimum film suggested. The weather conditions weren't brilliant, it was five in the afternoon and a dull even light was over our back garden. It still looked bright enough for a 400ASA !and would be in any other camera but the majority of my shots are seriously underexposed except for the ones were I hand turned slowly... obviously letting in much more light. So onwards and upwards as they say and let's see if the next roll improves somewhat!

Ok in reverse order! image 6 Sunny Setting Hand turned the cam whilst it rested on the table, much better exposure!

Image 5 Sunny Setting hand turned the camwhile standing not a full 360, the white band is where I paused.

Image 4 Sunny Setting full pull and spin shot of peonies, in there somewhere! this was adjusted in PS as it was way too dark see below

Image 4 Sunny Setting full pull and spin shot of peonies, in there somewhere! this was far too dark and adjusted as above.

Image 3 Cloudy setting full pull and spin of Peonies and rest of garden, don't know where the cast came from but hey these are test shots!

Image 3 Cloudy setting full pull and spin of Peonies and rest of garden, the cast is not funny or the lack of image!

Image 2 Cloudy setting hand held full pull and spin, oh dear look at me agh! this has again been adjusted

Image 2 Cloudy setting hand held full pull and spin, too dark yuck!

Image 1 Sunny Setting full pull and hand held, the first shot what a disappointment, this has been pulled form the gloom in PS.

Image 1 Sunny Setting full pull and hand held, the first shot... what a disappointment. I'm hoping it was just that I underestimated the overcast qualities of our English Summer! Maybe that's why it was tested here!

Friday, 11 June 2010

A Pull A Twist and a new Star(t)

What happens when you become distracted do you forget to do the things that are important to you or do you think about them every minute of the day but because you have left them for an inordinate length of time it becomes harder and harder to face them.

Breaking the cycle of inactivity

I haven't been inactive, quite the opposite but sometimes it's just not right to make an entry. Last night I was one of many enjoying the hospitality of Lomo at the London store and checking out their new offspring...needless to say you should be seeing the results of that soon enough! I have always loved panoramas and constructed them with pinholes, Horizons or Holgas so imagine my delight at the thought of an even longer panoramic view than has ever been, without messing with the old PS, this is going to be fun to experiment with. The Spinner 360 is a curious looking thing, I was quite surprised at the speed at which it turned, it feels good to hold, it's quite light but then it didn't have film in. I would say it is most defenitly a toy camera and has a strong resemblance to a periscope. The level is a good idea and I really just need to get some film in it and show you!